Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Small Introduction-Very First Post

Hi! Wow it's been a long time I waited for having you know a blog. Hahahaha. I know maybe I'm so too much, but actually yes I really wanted to have a blog but I just could make it few weeks ago with a help from my friend. She says that I can write anything on my blog, but to make my blog useful and interesting for others, I don't wanna post any diaries on my blog. Yeah maybe some of my experiences I have, with the purpose of sharing. Not some posts about my grief, my sorrows or whatsoever. Wow, interesting I guess!
Well, to begin my very first post, I'd like to have a small introduction and well not really important I guess but it's okay because Javanes says that "tak kenal maka tak sayang" hahaha. Okay, I'm Tiara Dewi Panduwati, just call me Aya or Tiara or whatever as long as it's not Pandu or Wati. Pandu is I think a boy name then Wati is a very common name! Hahaha. I'm studying in one of the public universities in Yogyakarta, State University of Yogyakarta if you've once heard about that university HAHAHA. And... What else? Well, I'm majoring in English Language and Literature and to be honest, the reason why I wanna have a blog is that I wanna improve my writing skill since I think this activity is in line with my major and my need :) and I'm a Javanese but ironically I can't speak Javanese fluently :(
Well well well that's my little introduction for you all guys if you happen read my post.. Later I'll post some thinga I promise something useful and interesting, well at least a bit interesting hahaha :)

1 komentar:

  1. yeyyy finally aya has a little blog that I think very useful for some people who wants a piece of writing especially in literature
